Memorytamer 1 5 0 – Automatic Memory Freeing Approaches

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MemoryTamer is an automatic memory-freeing app that runs in your menu bar. It supports notifications with both Growl and Notification Center, and also lets you free memory whenever you want with the 'Free memory now' menu item. The missing free calls) on the identi ed leaky paths. We have implemented AutoFix in LLVM-3.5.0 and evaluated it using ve SPEC2000 benchmarks and three open-source applications. Experimental results show that AutoFix can safely x all the memory leaks reported by a state-of-the-art static memory leak detector with small instrumentation overhead. K ≥ 0, 1 ≤ k ≤ s. An affine form ψ(x) is non-negative everywhere in D iff it is a positive affine combination of the faces: ψ(x) ≡ λ 0 + k λ k(a kx+b k),λ k ≥ 0 (1) The non-negative constantsλ k are referred to as Farkas multipliers. Polyhedral Dependences. Our dependence model is of exact affine dependences and same as the. 10.5.1 Tuning PGA Memory. PGA memory is the most critical memory parameter for the resource-intensive queries found in a data warehouse. In a data warehouse, PGA memory is used by SQL operations, such as sorts, hash joins, bitmap merges, and bulk loads. The amount of PGA memory used by each operation is called its work area. Memory & Storage Architecture Lab. @ Seoul National University Debit scheduling Debit scheduler. Limits # of outstanding requests per-task. Increment on issuing request. Decrement on receiving response. Debit limit is proportional to the share B 0 A 0 B 1 B 3 A 0 C hip 0 C hip 1 C hip2 C hip 3 A 2 B 01 C hip 0 queue T ask A queue T.

Memorytamer 1 5 0 – Automatic Memory Freeing Approaches For A

Memorytamer 1 5 0 – automatic memory freeing approaches for a

Manual vs automatic memory management

Posted on 16 Dec 2006

Good memory management is essential for writing software applications that perform well. If the application takes too long to start or frustrates you as it completes operations, it doesn't make for a good experience. And there are many factors such as response time, working set, and hardware requirements to consider when dealing with performance. However memory management is a key ingredient, and deciding between manual and automatic systems can make a big difference.

Iina 1 0 6 mm. This is such a large topic. Where should I start? …

Lets start with some definitions. Manual memory management is when the programmer manually controls the lifetime of allocated memory by specifically allocating and freeing it in a deterministic fashion. Alternatively, automatic memory management tries to determine what memory is no longer used and frees it automatically instead of relying on the programmer to identify it. Automatic memory management is sometimes referred to as Garbage Collection (GC), however 'garbage' could be defined as anything, so the term is a little vague. GC often refers to tracing garbage collection, one form of automatic memory management. Reference counting is an alternative automatic memory management method (when you Release an object it isn't necessarily freed, it all depends on the reference count, so as a consumer you do not control memory deallocation). Mail pilot 3 0 – task oriented email client. Video to gif. The choice here is mostly independent of programming language. There are some languages that support manual management (such as C, C++), others that support automatic management with tracing GCs (such as Java, and C#), and others still that support both (like D).

Memorytamer 1 5 0 – Automatic Memory Freeing Approaches Memory

So which one is better? Well the truth is that it all depends. There are many pros and cons to each method (discussed at length on wikipedia). In the end you have to pick the solution based on your specific requirements. However today lets talk about performance in particular. If you have some crazy high performance requirements (perhaps a real-time application), what do you do? …. you get more control.

By using manual memory management you are gaining more control over when memory is allocated and deallocated, giving you, the developer, more control over how to deal with it. You can then be mindful of such things as memory locality, consumption in tight loops, and memory reuse, while avoiding indeterministic deallocation (tracing garbage collectors). You can still have enough control with automatic memory management if you stick with ref counting as a means to control memory/object lifetime. However there is a cost to be paid for these advantages, mostly in development difficulty – the more control you have, the more likely you are to make mistakes (mistakes here lead to memory leaks). And mistakes are bugs. some bad, some really bad.

// boundarycheck.cpp, v1.1
// Windows Leaks Detector, 2006
// Create empty 'Win32 Console Application' project, and
// add this file. Tested with VS2005, but should work
// with other compilers too.
// REQUIRES: Windows XP/2000
// Demonstrates 2 approaches to design of 'Memory Boundary
// Check' feature, which should verify that the application
// does not access memory outside of dynamically allocated
// blocks. The feature will be implemented in 'Windows Leaks
// Detector' project, and assumes that our code will receive
// all calls to HeapAlloc and HeapFree. In current module
// new allocation functions are called directly.
// The boundary check is not intended to verify access to
// statically allocated memory.
// Approach 1:
// Allocate bigger memory buffer than requested, and write
// signature block before and after the returned chunk.
// When the memory is released by application - verify that
// signature blocks are unchanged.
// (+) low memory overhead
// (+) no run-time overhead
// (+) checks both beginning and end of block
// (-) does not alert until the memory is released
// (-) checks write operations only
// Approach 2:
// Allocate block of N+1 pages, where N is the minimal number
// of full pages to contain the requested buffer size. The
// extra page will be protected by PAGE_GUARD flag, and the
// pointer returned to the user will be calculated so the
// requested buffer will end at the end of last 'unguarded'
// page - so next byte after the block will be located in
// the guarded page. Any attempt to access the memory after
// the allocated block will generate STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION
// exception.
// (+) no run-time overhead
// (+) alerts at the time of out-of-bound access, when the
// full call stack is available
// (+) checks both read and write access
// (-) high memory overhead (may cause run-time overhead),
// depends on the page size (the default in XP/2000 is 4K).
// (-) checks only overflow at the end of the block (in
// similar way the beginning of the block can be protected,
// but not both at same time, unless the size of allocated
// block is multiple of page size)
// NOTE: when the memory overflow in not acceptable, this
// technique can be applied to part of allocations:
// 1. Only for allocation of buffers over certain size. This
// way the ratio between requested and allocated memory will
// be limited. Anyway, we are mostly interested in overflow
// control when arrays (e.g. string buffers) are allocated.
// 2. Only for cases where the 1st approach indicated an
// overflow, and we want to find the violating code.
// Following define is required in order to compile
// exception-related code.
// See MSDN for AddVectoredExceptionHandler
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
// Signature blocks

// defines the signature to be placed before and after
// the actual allocated block
static const unsigned char SIGNATURE[] = {0xAB, 0x43, 0xDE, 0x72};
static const unsigned int SIZEOF_SIGNATURE = sizeof(SIGNATURE);
// This function will replace the regular 'malloc'. In this
// example the 'main' function will invoke it directly, but
// in 'Windows Leaks Detector' project this code can be placed
// inside the hook function for HeapAlloc
void * malloc_signature(size_t size)
// The actual allocated block will contain:
// + the memory block to be returned to the user
// + 2 signature borders - before and after user's block
// + additional size_t value, to store the size of the
// block which the user requested. Note, that, when
// integrated to Leaks Detector, this field will
// not be required, as anyway the size is stored as
// part of internal structures.
char * tmp = (char *) malloc(size + (SIZEOF_SIGNATURE * 2) + sizeof(size_t));
if (tmp NULL) return NULL;
// Layout of the memory block will be:
// [size of data][signature border][user's data][signature border]

// Store the size of user's block
*reinterpret_cast(tmp) = size;
tmp += sizeof(size_t);
// Store the signature before the block
tmp += SIZEOF_SIGNATURE; // now 'tmp' points to beginning of user's data
// Store the signature after the block
memcpy(tmp + size, SIGNATURE, SIZEOF_SIGNATURE);
// Return the pointer to user's data
return tmp;
// free_signature is called to release blocks,
// allocated by malloc_signature. For Leaks Detector
// project this code will be executed as part of
// hook function for HeapFree, when the block
// will be identified as having signature protection
// (based on internal data for allocation block)
voidfree_signature(void * p)
char * orig = static_cast<char*>(p);
// the pointer returned to the user in 'malloc_signature'
// is shifted by size of (int + signature block)
// from the beginning of actual block allocated by
// 'malloc' (or HeapAlloc in general), so we need
// to restore the original pointer.
orig -= (SIZEOF_SIGNATURE + sizeof(size_t));
// read the size of user's block
// in Leaks Detector application this data will be
// stored as part of info for allocation block
size_t allocation_size = *(reinterpret_cast(orig));
// verify that signature blocks were unchanged
bool bStartOK = (0 memcmp(orig + sizeof(size_t), SIGNATURE, SIZEOF_SIGNATURE));
bool bEndOK = (0 memcmp(orig + sizeof(size_t) + allocation_size + SIZEOF_SIGNATURE, SIGNATURE, SIZEOF_SIGNATURE));
// print error message if one of the signature
// blocks (or both) were changed
if (!bStartOK) {
if (!bEndOK) {
printf('Warning: block of size %d is corrupt - before and aftern', allocation_size);
} else {
printf('Warning: block of size %d is corrupt - beforen', allocation_size);
} else if (!bEndOK) {
printf('Warning: block of size %d is corrupt - aftern', allocation_size);
// release the original bloch, allocated by 'malloc'
free (orig);

// Guarded pages
// This function will be invoked automatically
// by Windows each time an exception occurs,
// even before it reaches frame-based application
// exception handler (such as try-catch in C++).
// Only when the application is being debugged, the
// debugger will get a notification first - which is
// even better, as a live call stack and all relevant
// context will be available.
LONG WINAPI MyExceptionsHandler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionInfo)
// check the type of exception
if (ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION) {
printf('Access violation caught - print call stack, activate a breakpoint etc.n');
// when STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION exception is raised, the
// protection of the page is automatically reset to READ/WRITE,
// so next attempt to access same memory won't fail
// unknown exception - find next exceptions' handler
// global variable to hold handle to exception handle
PVOID gExHandler = NULL;
// global variable, which will receive system page size
DWORD gPageSize = 0;
// This function must be called before any
// protected allocation is made.
// It will initialize all global variables, and
// set the exception handler.
// query the System Info in order to get page size
gPageSize = si.dwPageSize;
printf('Page size is: %ldn', gPageSize);
// set 'MyExceptionsHandler' function as the first
// exception handler. In case of memory access violation
// we want out function to be called, while the
// call stack remain unchanged.
// Notes:
// 1) In order for this code to compile, we had to put
// #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
// at the beginning of the file, before the include of
// header.
// 2) There should be a clean-up function, which will
// call 'RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler' with returned
// handler. In current code it is not implemented.
// 3) If there's a debugger attached to this process, it
// will receive the notification before our handler.
gExHandler = ::AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1 /*call me first*/, MyExceptionsHandler);
if (gExHandler NULL)
printf('Failed to set MyExceptionsHandlern');
// Similary to 'malloc_signature', this function
// will be invoked by 'main' instead of a call
// to malloc/new. In 'Windows Leaks Detector' project
// this code can be placed inside the hook function
// for HeapAlloc
void * malloc_protected(size_t size)
// calculate the number of full pages required to cover
// the requested data size.
// (size / gPageSize) will give the number of full
// pages contained in 'size'
// (size % gPageSize) will be bigger than 0 in case
// there's a reminder of division
// operation - additional page is required
unsigned int iTotalPagesForData = ((unsigned long)size / gPageSize) +
((unsigned long)size % gPageSize 0) ? 0 : 1;
// allocate virtual memory of size 'iTotalPagesForData + 1' pages,
// to accomodate the requesed buffer + guarded page.
char * pRegionStart = (char*) ::VirtualAlloc(NULL, (iTotalPagesForData +1 ) * gPageSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (pRegionStart NULL) {
printf('VirtualAlloc returned NULLn');
return NULL;
// set PAGE_GUARD protection on last allocated page. On any
// read/write access to this page STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION
// exception will be raised.
// Notes:
// 1) VirtualProtection can't be set on part of a page,
// but only on whole pages. For this reason we can't
// just set protection on a 'border' around allocated
// block, and have to allocate much more memory
// then requested by user.
// 2) After the exception is raised, the page permissions will
// be changed to PAGE_READWRITE, as we specified
// (PAGE_GUARD | PAGE_READWRITE) protection.
// For this reason PAGE_GUARD flag can't be used alone,
// but has to be or'ed with other flag.
DWORD dwOldProtect;
if (! ::VirtualProtect(pRegionStart + (iTotalPagesForData * gPageSize), gPageSize, PAGE_GUARD | PAGE_READWRITE, &dwOldProtect)) {
printf('VirtualProtecd failrdn');
return NULL;
// when we will go 'size' bytes back from the guarded page,
// we will promise that the the pointer returned to user
// points to a safe buffer of requested size, but the first
// byte after this buffer is guarded.
return pRegionStart + (iTotalPagesForData * gPageSize - size);
// Releases memory allocated by 'malloc_protected'
voidfree_protected(void *p)
// query the address of the page containing 'p'
// Instead, we could keep the original address
// returned by VirtualAlloc as part of the info
// of allocation block (in Leaks Detector)
::VirtualQuery(p, &memInfo, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION));
// release the memory
if (! ::VirtualFree(memInfo.AllocationBase, 0 /*has to be 0 for MEM_RELEASE*/, MEM_RELEASE))
printf('Failed to release virtual memoryn');

// Signature
char * arr10 = (char *) malloc_signature(sizeof(char) * 10);
char * arr11 = (char *) malloc_signature(sizeof(char) * 11);
char * arr12 = (char *) malloc_signature(sizeof(char) * 12);
*(arr10 - 1) = '0'; // 10: overflow before the block
arr10[10] = '0'; // 10: overflow after the block
*(arr11 - 1) = '0'; // 11: overflow before the block
arr12[12] = '0'; // 12: overflow after the block

// error messages will be printed when releasing the buffers
free_signature (arr10);
free_signature (arr11);
free_signature (arr12);
// Guarded page

// must initialize before first use
char * parr10 = (char *) malloc_protected(sizeof(char) * 10);
// valid read/write access
parr10[5] = '0';
char ch = parr10[2];
// read access outside the array - will raise
// exception and print log message
ch = parr10[10];
// no exceptions on next out-of-bounds accesses
// for same block - GUARD flag was automatially
// reset after the first exception
ch = parr10[11];
printf ('Donen');
return 0;
// EOF

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